Lumen Naturals Garcinia Cambogia Complex With Chromium Is Available Today Exclusively on Amazon.com
Lumen Naturals specializes in 100% natural weight loss supplements in an effort to combat obesity. Founder, Adam Donahue, is concerned about the obesity epidemic in the United States. He believes there is an easy way to quickly and naturally lose weight with Lumen Naturals newest product, Garcinia Cambogia Complex with Chromium to ignite metabolism.
Lumen Naturals retails exclusively on Amazon.com because Donahue believes that that his company can deliver highest quality shipping services by doing so, which ensures the best price point can be achieved by using fulfillment warehouses around the country powered by Amazon.
Donahue says, “This gives us the opportunity to get this magical new product into the hands of as many people as possible.”
Amazon.com is the world’s largest online retailer and sees global annual sales of nearly one hundred billion dollars US annually. Amazon is able to ship at very low costs, even free with purchases over $35, or for Amazon Prime subscribers.
“More and more people are adding dietary supplements to their daily routine,” claims Donahue. “As more and more news comes out about the dangers of statin drugs and synthetic weight loss products like Xenical, which literally prevent absorption in the stomach, the public is becoming wise to the necessity of supplementing their diet.”
Lumen Naturals works with pharmacist, Melissa Lawrence, during R&D stages. She explains why natural weight loss supplements are important, “The problem with a lot of weight loss drugs on the market today, is that they can sometimes result in dangerous side effects. So one hand, you are treating a weight problem with a drug, like Xenical, that can reduce weight, but on the other hand, it can also lead to sever liver and kidney damage. And if you aren’t doing things to lose weight now, you may wind up on Statin drugs, which now the FDA warns can cause cognitive impairment as well as a host of other dangerous side effects.”
Donahue touts Lumen Naturals newest all natural weight loss supplement, saying, “Garcinia Cambogia has been on the market for a couple of years now so we are seeing newer formulas being derived and higher potencies now available. Our Garcinia Cambogia Complex with Chromium is a brilliant combination for weight loss and energy enhancement.”