Lumen Naturals Brand New Garcinia Cambogia Complex With Chromium Gets Better With Free Shipping
Positive reviews are rolling in on amazon.com for Lumen Naturals hot new Garcinia Cambogia Complex that includes Chromium and is showing to be a real energy level booster. By adding Chromium to the classic pumpkin-shaped fruit, Lumen Naturals is able to offer a modern weight loss supplement that combines the dual-action magic of Garcinia Cambogia with an element most Americans are deficient in.
Lumen Naturals is offering an introductory price to celebrate the launch of their second weight loss supplement. Until September 14th it will be priced at $22.95. Many other modern Garcinia Cambogia products are about $30. Shipping is free for Amazon Prime members or if 2 or more bottles are purchased simultaneously.
Lumen Naturals founder, Adam Donahue explains how adding Chromium benefits the Garcinia Cambogia claiming, “many Americans are deficient in Chromium which can lead to high anxiety, decreased energy levels, increased chance of diabetes, and mood swings. These are all things that are common in individuals living overweight.” He continues saying, “so not only are you going to burn fat and have energy with Garcinia Cambogia, you are also fighting off many of the other side effects of obesity with Chromium.”
There have been many Garcinia Cambogia products available since Dr. Oz featured it on his 3-time Emmy winning TV show. The herbal supplement has had time to mature since that time, and has now been made more potent as well into several complexes. Lumen Naturals pharmacist and homeopathic worker, Melissa Lawrence attributes Dr. Oz for bringing attention to the herb, but describes how scientists have improved on the extract, saying, “We have discovered that the extract alone is not as effective as it can be when create more sophisticated complexes out of the plant, for instance when you combine it with an element like Chromium, you see additional benefits.”
Lumen Naturals Garcinia Cambogia Complex With Chromium will ignite metabolism and is available exclusively on Amazon. Limited time introductory price of $22.95 ends on September 14th. A purchase of 2 or more bottles qualifies for free shipping and offers maximum value.